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Hand Blended Incense


Divine Aromatics Incense is hand blended made from natural botanicals, carefully selected for their unique qualities for ritual, ceremony and fragrance. The handmade blend is designed for space clearing, purifying, dispersing negative and stagnant energy and invoking protection.

This incense includes frankincense, copal, sandalwood chips, calendula, meadowsweet and other premium ingredients.

Natural incense is simple and easy to use. It needs to be burnt to release the aromatic smoke. The incense is burnt on small charcoal disks, the disks need to be set in a heat resistant container for safety purposes. We recommend a purpose made incense burner. The charcoal disk is lit and as it smoulders and turns grey the natural incense can be added. Additional incense can be added until the charcoal has burnt down. This method does produce a lot of fragrant smoke so needs to be carried out in a well ventilated area. Do not leave burning charcoal unattended.

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